Tag Archives: Science

February, 2019

  • 17 February

    Here’s How Sleeping With Your Door Closed Could Save Your Life, According to Fire Safety Experts

    fire, safety, science, life, facts, people

    House fires are more common than we imagine them to be. The U.S. fire departments respond to an estimated average of 355,400 home structure fires every year; resulting in almost $8 billion in damages annually. According to Fire Safety Experts, it takes less than 30 seconds …

  • 16 February

    Scientists Discover Sharks Living Inside An Active Underwater Volcano

    volcano, sharks, science, facts, nature, animals

    Our planet is a beautiful, yet mysterious place. With all the developments in science, we are only now beginning to discover and learn new things about our beautiful planet. When scientists sent a robotic camera to Kavachi, an active volcano off the coast of New Guinea, they …

  • 15 February

    10 Evolutionary Leftovers In the Human Body that No Longer Serve A Purpose

    evolution, body, health, science, humans, facts

    Since the first human being started roaming this planet, mankind has come a long way. We have achieved things beyond our ancestors’ imaginations and have made progress in the field of science and medicine. But along the way, some of the traits our ancestors had …

  • 12 February

    10 Scientists Who Experimented on Themselves

    scientists, history, facts, life, people, science

    For centuries, curious men and women have subjected themselves to their own experiments, all in the name of science. When others failed to believe in them, these scientists decided to put their lives on the line and become guinea pigs, so that they could prove …

  • 9 February

    10 Random Facts About All Kinds of Interesting Topics

    random, facts, topics, science, entertainment

    Since childhood, we have been gaining knowledge on interesting topics from programs such as National Geographic and Animal Planet. The things we learn stick with us forever. Our curiosity to learn and understand things is a natural instinct to protect ourselves. And sharing this unsolicited …

  • 7 February

    11 Mysterious Islands With Long Lost Secrets

    Mauritius, life, islands, facts, science

    Most of our planet’s islands are explored and inhabited. There, however, exists islands that are off the maps or were subjects of secret government experiments; that were later abandoned. For centuries, mankind has been exploring and finding surprising things about the very planet we call …

  • 6 February

    10 Futuristic Technologies From ‘Avatar’ That Exist in Real-Life

    Avatar, movie, facts, life, people, science, technology

    It’s hard to believe that the movie Avatar was released almost a decade ago. The fantasy/science fiction film stole our imagination and broke countless box office records in 2010. Science fiction movies can sometimes be unreliable guides when it comes to predicting future trends  but not …

  • 5 February

    10 Pictures of Famous First Times in History

    famous, history, facts, life, people, sicence

    Since the invention of the first camera, mankind has been able to document a lot of historic moments mankind has achieved on this planet. Some of the images are a gentle reminder of how far we have come since it was first discovered. Everything that …

  • 4 February

    Experts Say: People Over 40 Should Only Work 3 Days A Week

    work, people, life, facts, science

    Let’s be honest. No one likes five-day work weeks. However, responsibilities are a driving factor for us to work every day. If you’re over the age of 40, then scientists say that you should definitely avoid working five days a week. According to a report published …

January, 2019

  • 31 January

    10 Scary Facts About Plastic That’ll Change Your Habits

    plastic, life, earth, nature, facts

    Plastic is all around us. Everywhere you look, there’s at least one object that has some form of plastic material involved. While reusable plastic causes no harm, the effect that disposable plastic has on our world is difficult to fathom. It was recently estimated by the World …

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