Tag Archives: Science

June, 2019

  • 3 June

    11 Little-Known Facts That Can Save Your Life One Day

    save your life, survival, facts, science, people

    Every life is precious and in this fast moving world, it is important to be aware of the rapid changes. Being aware of your surroundings and the ability to make quick decisions, increases the chances of your survival. Without the proper knowledge, there have been …

  • 2 June

    Cat Owners Are ‘More Intelligent’ Than Dog Owners, According to a New Study

    cat, dog, facts, people, animals, science

    Cats and dogs have been popular pets in the US and across the world for a long time. While we domesticated dogs to be part of our lives, scientists believe that cats domesticated themselves. Some people are naturally loyal to felines while others are naturally …

May, 2019

  • 31 May

    10 Surprising Facts That Will Amaze You

    surprising, facts, history, technology, life

    As we grow older, we understand and learn things that were once a mystery. Understanding things around us and how everything works has its advantages. Not only does it help us make better decisions in real-life, but it also keeps our brains sharp. No matter …

  • 23 May

    10 Absolutely Amazing Facts That Will Blow Your Mind

    absolutely amazing, facts, science, history, life

    Every day, mankind is making history. Brilliant men and women on our planet are discovering things that were previously unknown. As these brilliant minds gaze into the eyes of science and solve mysteries, it helps us understand and make life better for future generations. These …

  • 16 May

    11 Amazing Facts That Will Make You Say “What the…?”

    amazing facts, science, entertainment, life, people

    The world is a crazy place. Some things we consider to be ordinary and boring can in fact turn out to have a weird backstory. For instance, did you know that trained pigeons can differentiate between Claude Monet and Pablo Picasso? And 12% of the …

  • 14 May

    12 Ridiculous Facts That Actually Turned Out to Be True

    ridiculous, life, facts, people, history

    In our quest to learn new things, we come across facts and stories that sound so ridiculous that they are hard to believe. While they can be difficult for us to absorb, it does not necessarily mean that they are false. In order to feed …

  • 13 May

    11 Surprising Facts About Coca-Cola You Might Not Know

    Coca-Cola, drink, foods, facts, life, people

    Coca-Cola is everywhere. The flavored syrup combined with carbonated water was invented by John S. Pemberton in 1886. Today, it is one of the the most beloved refreshments of the modern world. Sold in more than 200 countries, it’s hard to find a person who …

  • 9 May

    11 Interesting Facts That Will Completely Change Your Perspective On The World

    perspective, facts, life, history, people

    It’s important that every now and then, we see life from a different perspective. Not only does it shed light on different things happening around the globe, it also allows us to think rationally. By viewing life from a different perspective, we tend to focus …

  • 8 May

    11 of the Longest Living Animals That Roam Our Planet

    science, nature, living, life, animals

    Earth, the third planet from the sun and the only planet known to have an atmosphere that is capable of supporting life. The shiny blue marble has been fascinating humans since we first began walking across its surface. In addition to being our home, it …

  • 7 May

    10 Strange Facts That Are Actually Worth Sharing With The Whole World

    worth, facts, life, people, weird

    As the world of technology is advancing at a fast pace, we spend more time looking down at our phones than we do at each others’ faces. So, if you’re ever put in a situation where you need to come up with some conversation starting …

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