Tag Archives: Science

June, 2019

  • 20 June

    10 Completely Random Facts That Will Make You Smarter Than Your Friends

    smarter, facts, life, people, science

    In life, our goal is to gain as much knowledge as possible and to be better at every available opportunity. Not only does it make us look smart, but also makes us respectable. Our friends and family members also find it helpful since they know …

  • 19 June

    10 Smart Features That Only Wild Animals Possess

    animals, facts, science, nature, Earth

    Animals have been roaming this planet, long before we took over. In order to adapt to the constant changes and to ensure their survival, wild animals evolve. While some of the traits they receive as part of the evolutionary process can appear as mistakes, they …

  • 19 June

    10 Interesting Psychological Facts That Can Change Your Perspective

    facts, science, life, people, study

    The human mind is an amazing piece of machinery, capable of processing hundreds of thoughts every day. As the field of science is advancing at a fast pace, scientists are using them to understand the very complex thing that created them. At the same time, …

  • 17 June

    10 Adorable Facts About Your Beloved Pet

    animals, pets, life, people, facts, nature

    Our pets are our family. We provide them with food and shelter, and in return, they give us their unconditional love. For a long time, they have been an integral part of our lives and as time goes on, we are learning new things about …

  • 16 June

    10 Interesting Facts You Are Too Lazy to Google – Part 2

    Google, facts, people, science, learning

    When we are unsure of something, “Google it!”, is often a phrase that comes to our minds. Whether it be help with unfamiliar technology or advice related to a decision on something, we often find ourselves “Googling” for answers. Since its inception on September 15, …

  • 13 June

    11 Random Facts That Are Thought Provoking

    thought, facts, life, people, science

    The world is such an extraordinary place that even the most ordinary, boring, every day stuff will have an interesting backstory. In fact, some of the things we tend to overlook or consider to be insignificant, contain some of the most interesting facts. As we …

  • 9 June

    10 Habits of a Mentally Strong Person

    strong, people, life, facts, science

    Not everyone possesses the psychological, intellectual, and emotional strength to manage emotions in a healthy, productive manner. Mental strength is defined by what we do and at times, what we choose not to do, based on the situation. While many think being mentally strong is …

  • 8 June

    10 Greatest Discoveries That Were Actually Mistakes

    discoveries, science, life, facts, people

    Some brilliant minds spend months, years or even decades trying to invent or discover something they believe in. Discoveries such as microwaves or matchsticks help us every day in our lives, but did you know that they were actually discovered by pure accident? While their …

  • 7 June

    10 Random Facts That Reveal Amazing Things About the World

    reveal, facts, life, people, science

    Every time we think we understand the world, something new comes up to remind us that there’s still a lot to learn. For instance, coffee is one of the most famous beverages in the world. More than 400 million cups of coffee are consumed every …

  • 4 June

    10 Disadvantages of Being Highly Intelligent

    intelligent, facts, life, disadvantages, people

    It’s a common misconception that life is easier for those with higher intelligence. People fail to recognize that the bigger the intelligence, the bigger the responsibilities. Having a high IQ is a good thing, since it allows one to perform tasks at a faster pace …

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