Tag Archives: Planet

April, 2020

March, 2020

October, 2019

  • 30 October

    12 Surprising Facts You Didn’t Know About the World’s Oceans

    oceans, life, earth, planet, travel, adventure, facts

    It’s a well known fact that the majority of our planet’s surface is covered by oceans. Despite this, we have only managed to explore a relatively small percentage of it. In fact, more than 70% of the world’s oceans are yet to be explored. While …

July, 2019

  • 8 July

    10 Weird Facts About Our Planet That Most People Don’t Know

    planet, Earth, NASA, facts, science

    Every day, scientists are discovering new things about our planet. While NASA has satellites and probes millions of light years away to study other planets, there’s still a lot we do not know about the very planet we inhabit. With latest technological advances, scientists are …

April, 2019

March, 2019

  • 25 March

    10 Wondrous Plant Species That Have Real Superpowers

    plant, species, nature, facts, life, science

    Here is a chance to explore the unearthly super powers of some of the plant species in the plant kingdom. Some plants are capable of identifying who their family members are among individuals of the same species by exuding chemicals from their roots. They are …

February, 2019

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