Tag Archives: People

October, 2018

  • 23 October

    10 Popular Websites That Are Blocked In Other Countries

    YouTube, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Snapchat, WhatsApp, social media, apps, life, people, country, websites

    Part of our morning routine includes checking our social media accounts. Whether it be Facebook, Twitter or Instagram, we have the habit of occasionally checking them to see what our friends and family members are up to. Some of us may also be checking on …

  • 22 October

    11 Scientific Discoveries That Are Sure to Change the World

    health, medical, science, fact, facts, life, people, scientists, researchers, doctors

    Science has always helped us improve the quality of life. With new discoveries everyday, we are overcoming obstacles that was previously thought to be impossible. Many talented men and women have dedicated their lives in the name of science and because of them, we are …

  • 13 October

    10 Facts that Sound Exaggerated but are Actually True!

    tigers, animals, facts, life, nature, earth, people

    Sometimes we read something on the internet that makes us wonder if they are completely made up. Most of the time, your gut instincts are right, but not today. For example, take the case of Mike the Headless Chicken who, in the mid-1940’s, lived for …

  • 9 October

    10 Amazing Facts That Will Change The Way You See The World

    fact, factual, life, history, people

    Knowledge is infinite. No matter how much we learn, there will always be something that will amaze us from time to time. For example, did you know that you can’t hum while holding your nose? Pretty cool, huh? In a course of 10 years, the …

  • 5 October

    10 Biggest Man-Made Disasters in the World

    disaster, life, people, man made, history

    For centuries, mankind has worked to advance the quality of life. Today, we have well built communities and developed countries because of these efforts. These accomplishments however, did not come easily. Some of these feats were accomplished with nature becoming the victim. Man considers himself as …

  • 4 October

    10 Most Infamous Hackers of all Time & What Happened to Them

    Jan Krissler, aka, starbug, hacking, hacker, life, people, science, technology

    Hackers have existed since the invention of computers. While the name “hacker” sounds bad, not all hackers follow a dark path. Some of them are only interested in finding loopholes and letting business know, so that they can prevent attacks. Most of them however, have …

  • 1 October

    10 Times Companies Passed On Incredible Opportunities

    opportunities, people, life, fact, facts

    Opportunities don’t just come knocking on the door. But if they do, we need to be bold enough to seize it. That one decision we make could change our lives forever and that’s exactly what happened to these people; yet not in a good way. …

September, 2018

  • 29 September

    An Italian Photographer Travels the World and Captures Children With Their Most Precious Belongings

    travel, precious, belongings, life, countries

    Photography is a form of art that allows one to capture unique moments in time. It’s a skill that must be mastered in order to portray one’s true emotions in a visual form. Gabriele Galimberti, an Italian photographer, has done just that. He used his set …

  • 27 September

    10 Fascinating Facts About Japan And Its Culture

    Japan, fact, facts, people, life

    Japan, an island nation, has a history that dates back centuries. Its rich culture and wonderful people can teach us a thing or two when it comes to life. Unlike most countries that are one solid land mass, Japan is actually a group of islands …

  • 25 September

    10 Screwed-up Facts About The World We Live In

    poverty, people, life, nature, rich, homeless

    We live in an era where science and technology is at its peak. Our homes are filled with gadgets and even our children are addicted to electronics. Mankind has come so far to make life better for us and to make our dreams become a …

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