Tag Archives: People

January, 2019

  • 31 January

    10 Scary Facts About Plastic That’ll Change Your Habits

    plastic, life, earth, nature, facts

    Plastic is all around us. Everywhere you look, there’s at least one object that has some form of plastic material involved. While reusable plastic causes no harm, the effect that disposable plastic has on our world is difficult to fathom. It was recently estimated by the World …

  • 31 January

    10 Little-Known Organizations That Are Making the World a Better Place

    organizations, facts, life, people, story, planet

    As humans, we wish to protect Earth and its living beings. For this reason, we often donate to charities or organizations that are fighting for the cause we believe in. With so many of them claiming to take responsibility, we often find ourselves in a …

  • 30 January

    11 Undeniable Benefits Of Listening To Music

    music, benefits, facts, life, people

    Music is a powerful tool that helps us in many ways. If we’re feeling low, it helps to motivate us and when we can’t focus to get through that late evening at work, it helps us get through the long lagging hours. Its scientifically proven …

  • 29 January

    12 of the Most Captivating Photographs from History

    captivating, history, life, people, facts

    In 1911, American newspaper editor Arthur Brisbane coined the phrase, “a picture is worth a thousand words”. He was right, since pictures are capable of taking us back through time to relive a moment. Historical photos can especially be captivating since they tell stories about the historical …

  • 29 January

    Heartbreaking Photos of Pet Owners Saying Farewell to Their Beloved Pets

    beloved, pets, animals, nature, facts

    Our pets are our life. We grow with them, make memories and share everything with them. Losing them is the equivalent of losing a beloved family member. Our pets are there to comfort us during the worst times and rejoice during the best times. However, …

  • 28 January

    The Door to Hell: A Giant Hole in the Desert Which Has Been Burning for 48 Years

    Darvaza, karakum, desert, life, facts

    Our planet is a mysterious yet amazing place. There are places that are breathtakingly beautiful and then there are places that can unleash hell itself. Deep within the expansive plains of Turkmenistan’s Karakum desert is a jaw-dropping phenomenon that keeps defying expectations. Locals call it …

  • 28 January

    10 Movie Myths Hollywood Made Us Believe Were True

    facts, life, people, movies, Hollywood

    We’ve learned a lot from watching movies. At the same time, action movies have taught us things that were completely false. Big screens have the habit of exaggerating things or making things appear dramatic, in order to keep the viewers attention throughout the entire screen …

  • 27 January

    10 Popular Cities That Can Be Dangerous for Foreigners

    foreigners, travel, facts, life, people, science

    Traveling is good for you, as it promotes positive brain activity. At the same time, as foreigners in unfamiliar territories, there are things we need to be aware of. Our vacations or travel itineraries are supposed to be filled with joyous memories. For most of …

  • 26 January

    12 Facts That Should Be Common Knowledge But Aren’t

    knowledge, facts, people, life, science

    Sometimes, it’s hard to judge what should be considered “common knowledge”. But, at the same time, the more knowledge we have, the better we can ensure our survival. You never know when a piece of advice or something you read a long time ago, can …

  • 26 January

    7 Dreaded Tasks That are Actually Great for Managing Stress

    laundry, people, stress, life, facts, science

    For most of us, stress is a normal part of our lives that comes with everyday occurrences. Almost 70 years ago, no such thing as “stress” existed, since there was no term used to define it. Although there were millions who coped with it, there …

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