Tag Archives: People

February, 2019

  • 16 February

    Scientists Discover Sharks Living Inside An Active Underwater Volcano

    volcano, sharks, science, facts, nature, animals

    Our planet is a beautiful, yet mysterious place. With all the developments in science, we are only now beginning to discover and learn new things about our beautiful planet. When scientists sent a robotic camera to Kavachi, an active volcano off the coast of New Guinea, they …

  • 15 February

    10 Medical Myths You Need to Stop Believing

    medical myths, facts, science, life, health

    When we were young, we heard plenty of old wives tales and stories that we have latched on to. Some things we believe to be true because we have been told they’re true for far too long. It’s hard to imagine otherwise and such situations …

  • 15 February

    10 Evolutionary Leftovers In the Human Body that No Longer Serve A Purpose

    evolution, body, health, science, humans, facts

    Since the first human being started roaming this planet, mankind has come a long way. We have achieved things beyond our ancestors’ imaginations and have made progress in the field of science and medicine. But along the way, some of the traits our ancestors had …

  • 13 February

    10 Jobs That Are So Tough, They Make Office Life Seem Like Heaven

    jobs, facts, people, life, planet

    Sitting in our offices, waiting for time to pass by can seem like an eternity. It’s not only boring, but also exhausting to sit in one place all day and stare at a computer. However, after reading about these 10 tough jobs, you would appreciate …

  • 12 February

    12 Intense Historical Photos That Bring the Past to Life

    historical, facts, life, past, stories

    Photographs can be crucial to historians who have the painful job of learning and understanding occurrences in the past. At the same time, they can be helpful to us since we are able to witness a moment from the past and learn a thing or …

  • 12 February

    10 Scientists Who Experimented on Themselves

    scientists, history, facts, life, people, science

    For centuries, curious men and women have subjected themselves to their own experiments, all in the name of science. When others failed to believe in them, these scientists decided to put their lives on the line and become guinea pigs, so that they could prove …

  • 11 February

    12 Rules That Rich People Follow to Save Money

    rules, facts, success, life, people

    Making healthy financial habits a part of your life is a big step towards success. To achieve our dreams, we need to make good choices with our earnings. While most of us save up to spend it on bills and survival, there are others who …

  • 10 February

    Spite Houses: 12 Obnoxious Houses that Were Built Just to Annoy the Neighbors

    spite, house, facts, history, people, weird

    Human emotion is a crazy thing, especially when it’s bottled up for a long time. In such cases, it can act as a driving factor that causes people to do irrational, silly and sometimes, spiteful things. Throughout history, we have seen people come up with innovative …

  • 9 February

    10 Random Facts About All Kinds of Interesting Topics

    random, facts, topics, science, entertainment

    Since childhood, we have been gaining knowledge on interesting topics from programs such as National Geographic and Animal Planet. The things we learn stick with us forever. Our curiosity to learn and understand things is a natural instinct to protect ourselves. And sharing this unsolicited …

  • 9 February

    11 Striking Examples of How the World Has Changed in the Last 100 Years

    changed, history, weird, life, people, facts

    The world isn’t perfect, but it sure has changed and made many advances in various fields within the past 100 years. For instance, the life expectancy for a male born in 1915 was just 47, compared with 71 today. Gasoline was only sold in drug stores, and …

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