Tag Archives: People

June, 2019

  • 8 June

    10 Greatest Discoveries That Were Actually Mistakes

    discoveries, science, life, facts, people

    Some brilliant minds spend months, years or even decades trying to invent or discover something they believe in. Discoveries such as microwaves or matchsticks help us every day in our lives, but did you know that they were actually discovered by pure accident? While their …

  • 7 June

    10 Random Facts That Reveal Amazing Things About the World

    reveal, facts, life, people, science

    Every time we think we understand the world, something new comes up to remind us that there’s still a lot to learn. For instance, coffee is one of the most famous beverages in the world. More than 400 million cups of coffee are consumed every …

  • 6 June

    10 Offbeat Facts About Japan That Prove It’s Unlike Any Other Country

    Japan, facts, science, culture, travel

    Japan is known for being unique and having a proud culture. What makes the country great is not just the intelligent people, but their mannerisms and respect for others. Rich in history, innovation, imagination and values, Japan is surely a place to visit at least …

  • 4 June

    10 Disadvantages of Being Highly Intelligent

    intelligent, facts, life, disadvantages, people

    It’s a common misconception that life is easier for those with higher intelligence. People fail to recognize that the bigger the intelligence, the bigger the responsibilities. Having a high IQ is a good thing, since it allows one to perform tasks at a faster pace …

  • 3 June

    11 Little-Known Facts That Can Save Your Life One Day

    save your life, survival, facts, science, people

    Every life is precious and in this fast moving world, it is important to be aware of the rapid changes. Being aware of your surroundings and the ability to make quick decisions, increases the chances of your survival. Without the proper knowledge, there have been …

May, 2019

  • 31 May

    10 Surprising Facts That Will Amaze You

    surprising, facts, history, technology, life

    As we grow older, we understand and learn things that were once a mystery. Understanding things around us and how everything works has its advantages. Not only does it help us make better decisions in real-life, but it also keeps our brains sharp. No matter …

  • 30 May

    10 Lesser-Known Facts About the Amazing Life of Keanu Reeves

    Keanu Reeves, people, celebrities, facts, life, Hollywood

    It’s a known fact that the world is a better place with Keanu Reeves in it. Born to a half-Hawaiian, half-Chinese father and an English mother in 1964, Reeves has had a tragic past. However, he chose to turn his life around for the best …

  • 29 May

    10 Weird Yet Well-Paying Jobs You Had No Idea Existed

    weird jobs, people, life, facts, science

    Today, more people are choosing to become independent and work from the comfort of their homes. According to recently released data from the US Census, 5.2% of the population, or 8 million people, worked from their homes in 2017 alone. Whether it be working from …

  • 27 May

    10 Celebrities Who Survived Incredibly Tragic Pasts

    survived, facts, life, people, celebrities

    What makes a person more resilient than others is his/her ability to overcome the difficult times and to turn the event into something positive. Those with the ability to recognize that the struggle is a stepping stone towards success are the only ones who are …

  • 23 May

    10 Absolutely Amazing Facts That Will Blow Your Mind

    absolutely amazing, facts, science, history, life

    Every day, mankind is making history. Brilliant men and women on our planet are discovering things that were previously unknown. As these brilliant minds gaze into the eyes of science and solve mysteries, it helps us understand and make life better for future generations. These …

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