Tag Archives: People

September, 2019

  • 12 September

    10 Interesting Food Facts You Should Definitely Know

    food facts, science, facts, people, weird

    Some people believe that love is one of the most important things in the world. Meanwhile, others say that oxygen is more important to human beings than anything else. We however, can all agree that food is the fuel to human existence, since there is …

  • 10 September

    10 Eye-Opening Facts About Ordinary Things

    eye opening, facts, people, life, science

    In life, do you ever wonder why things are the way they are? If so, then you have come to the right place. For instance, do you know why plastic bottles have those little numbers on them? Or why our eyes turn red in pictures …

  • 5 September

    7 Uplifting Stories From Around the World to Make Your Day a Little Brighter

    uplifting stories, facts, people, life, travel

    Every day, humanity deals with hundreds of thousands of problems. While most of them are devastating and make us feel like we are taking one step forward and ten steps back, there are a few that help us to restore our faith in humanity. Around …

August, 2019

  • 28 August

    Vermont Is Paying People $10,000 to Move There and Work From Home

    Burlington, Vermont, facts, people, travel

    For those who are looking for a fresh start in life, to work remotely and like cold winters, Vermont is the place to go. The state in the northeastern United States is known for its natural landscape and 19th century wooden bridges. Within the past …

  • 27 August

    10 Little-Known Facts That Can Save Your Life or Someone Else’s

    little known, facts, people, life, science, history

    Every one of us take necessary steps required to survive in this world. Sometimes, however, life has a way of throwing curve balls that make us put everything at stake. During such times, panic sets in and we can sometimes make the wrong decisions, even …

  • 27 August

    12 Simple Things That are Actually Illegal in Some Parts of the US

    laws, facts, people, United States, travel

    For most of us, pumping gas or wearing high heels is just part of everyday life. But, if you take a look at the law books, you would be surprised to find out that such simple acts are actually considered illegal in many states across …

  • 26 August

    10 Old Wives’ Tales That Actually Turned Out To Be True

    old wives tales, facts, life, history, people

    You will catch a cold if you get your hair wet. You can’t swim right after you eat. You need to cover your head when it’s cold, since heat dissipates faster from the head than any other part of the body. Like these, there are …

  • 20 August

    10 Surprising Ways Your Cat Says “I Love You” Using Cat Language

    cats, love, facts, science, life, animals

    Unlike canines, cats are not known for their ability to show affection. Despite the lack of expressing their feelings, we still know that deep down, they care about us. Surprisingly, they show their love for us in more than one way. This exclusive list of …

  • 19 August

    10 Totally Random Facts That May Surprise You

    birds, animals, random facts, life, Earth

    Some facts can sound true while they are false, whereas some sound farfetched but are actually true. In a world where technology is rapidly advancing, we try to stay up to date with the most trending information. However, no matter how hard we try, there …

  • 19 August

    10 Truths That Most Of Us Don’t Want To Hear

    memories, facts, science, truths, life

    In life, it is easy to lose sight of the important things. A busy life filled with regular routines where we work like robots, can make our brains work on autopilot. This means that sometimes, we unintentionally miss things or lose focus on things that …

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