Tag Archives: Love

August, 2019

August, 2018

  • 27 August

    8 Psychological Phrases to Know If You’re Dating a Narcissist

    narcissist, narcissists, fact, facts, life, people, inspired

    According to the Mayo Clinic research group, a narcissistic personality disorder is a mental disorder. Sufferers of this disorder will have an inflated sense of their own importance and a deep need for admiration. They believe that they are superior to others but behind that mask …

  • 8 August

    8 Scientific Effects A Broken Heart Has On The Body

    broken heart, woman, men, women, heart, life, love, fact, facts, psychology, medical, science, entertainment

    Being heartbroken is something that can happen to anyone. It’s a phase we all go through in life caused by bad relationships. There’s a reason why your body makes you feel queasy after a breakup; draining you mentally and physically. Someone who is heartbroken often feels …

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