Tag Archives: Life

December, 2018

  • 2 December

    10 Completely Random Fun Facts for People Who Like Amazing Facts

    fun, facts, life, nature, people

    The world is filled with mysteries. Since out childhood, we have been learning interesting things about out planet from National Geographic, Animal Planet and other channels. The knowledge we gained has helped us to better understand things, but as humans, our curiosity is always high. …

  • 1 December

    15 Wholesome Pictures To Brighten Up Your Day

    kindness, people, life, history

    From time to time, the world can feel so overwhelming. Rising tensions between countries, economy going down the drain and everyone leading a busy life can feel like there’s no hope for humanity. While the media is focused on hot topics, there are other things …

November, 2018

  • 30 November

    10 Most Dangerous Roads to Drive Around the World

    roads, travel, facts, highway, life

    Traveling is good for both the body and the mind. Studies show that they make us feel younger. But, what if the roads are not repetitive highways that we encounter every day? Instead, they are located on top of mountains and are filled with hair-pin …

  • 28 November

    10 Unknown Facts About Heath Ledger’s Life and his Iconic Role as ‘The Joker’

    Heath Ledger, Joker, facts, people

    It’s been 10 years since one of the most beloved actors left this world. Heath Ledger, an Aussie actor and director, played one of the most iconic characters in the world, “The Joker”. It’s hard to imagine anyone else taking on the same role as …

  • 28 November

    9 Interesting Historical Events That Are Lesser-Known

    history, events, facts, life, people

    Since mankind started roaming this planet, we have been making history. Although we learned some of them in school, not everything is taught. That does not mean that the events are any less interesting. Certain historical events that took place at the dawn of time …

  • 27 November

    10 Interesting Facts about Dreams

    dreams, people, science, life

    Everybody dreams. It is an experience that is shrouded with mysteries. For centuries, scientists have been studying the importance of dreams in our lives. Even during the Roman era, they were thought to be messages from the gods and every dream was submitted to the Roman …

  • 27 November

    10 Facts About Coffee That Every Coffee Lover Should Know

    coffee, beverage, facts, life, people

    Coffee is enjoyed by millions worldwide. It is one of the most popular beverages in the world. Americans alone consume more than 400 million cups of coffee per day, making the United States the leading consumer of coffee in the world. It’s history dates back …

  • 26 November

    10 Weird Facts About Food You Probably Didn’t Know

    weird, food, facts, life

    Food! We all eat it, as it is essential for our survival. Every day, billions of people enjoy different types of foods around the globe. But, how much do we know about the food we eat? There’s a lot we don’t know about food but …

  • 25 November

    Canadian Survivalist Buries 42 School Buses to Build Largest Nuclear Fallout Shelter

    shelter, facts, life, people

    One way or another, we are all obsessed with ensuring our survival. It’s in our very nature to ensure our safety and existence for a long period of time. Our brains are hardwired to do so, but some people take extreme measures to ensure that …

  • 24 November

    10 Fascinating Facts About Redheads

    redheads, facts, life, people

    “Redheads”, is a term used to describe people who are born with red hair. While there are many names used to describe this genetic trait, it is one of the rarest hair colors in the world. In some countries, the hair color is desired by …

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