Tag Archives: Life

February, 2019

  • 11 February

    12 Rules That Rich People Follow to Save Money

    rules, facts, success, life, people

    Making healthy financial habits a part of your life is a big step towards success. To achieve our dreams, we need to make good choices with our earnings. While most of us save up to spend it on bills and survival, there are others who …

  • 10 February

    Spite Houses: 12 Obnoxious Houses that Were Built Just to Annoy the Neighbors

    spite, house, facts, history, people, weird

    Human emotion is a crazy thing, especially when it’s bottled up for a long time. In such cases, it can act as a driving factor that causes people to do irrational, silly and sometimes, spiteful things. Throughout history, we have seen people come up with innovative …

  • 9 February

    10 Random Facts About All Kinds of Interesting Topics

    random, facts, topics, science, entertainment

    Since childhood, we have been gaining knowledge on interesting topics from programs such as National Geographic and Animal Planet. The things we learn stick with us forever. Our curiosity to learn and understand things is a natural instinct to protect ourselves. And sharing this unsolicited …

  • 9 February

    11 Striking Examples of How the World Has Changed in the Last 100 Years

    changed, history, weird, life, people, facts

    The world isn’t perfect, but it sure has changed and made many advances in various fields within the past 100 years. For instance, the life expectancy for a male born in 1915 was just 47, compared with 71 today. Gasoline was only sold in drug stores, and …

  • 8 February

    10 of the Most Expensive TV Shows Ever Made

    TV, shows, facts, people, entertainment

    We are in a golden era of television. With networks like DSTV and streaming services such as Netflix, HBO and Hulu, we are able to watch some of our favorite TV shows right from our homes. If you aren’t finding any good shows on TV, …

  • 7 February

    11 Mysterious Islands With Long Lost Secrets

    Mauritius, life, islands, facts, science

    Most of our planet’s islands are explored and inhabited. There, however, exists islands that are off the maps or were subjects of secret government experiments; that were later abandoned. For centuries, mankind has been exploring and finding surprising things about the very planet we call …

  • 7 February

    10 Most Dangerous Airport Runways For Those Who Dare

    airport, life, facts, travel, adventure

    Most airport runways are considered safe, depending on the physical and environmental factors. When approach and departure paths are close to densely populated areas, are high in altitude or are located in an area with unpredictable weather, they would be considered dangerous.While flying is the …

  • 6 February

    10 Futuristic Technologies From ‘Avatar’ That Exist in Real-Life

    Avatar, movie, facts, life, people, science, technology

    It’s hard to believe that the movie Avatar was released almost a decade ago. The fantasy/science fiction film stole our imagination and broke countless box office records in 2010. Science fiction movies can sometimes be unreliable guides when it comes to predicting future trends  but not …

  • 6 February

    10 Random Facts that Can Serve as Perfect Icebreakers

    random, facts, people, life, science

    In this digital era, most of us spend more time looking at our phones than we do at each other. May it be Thanksgiving, Christmas or any special family occasion, sometimes we have trouble coming up with topics to keep the conversations alive. And, there’s …

  • 5 February

    10 Beaches Around the World You Should Visit At Least Once in Your Lifetime

    beaches, life, people, facts, travel, tourism

    Almost everybody loves going to the beach. There’s a reason for that. Spending time at the beach is not only fun, but is also beneficial for our body and mind. For instance, walking on sand stimulates the 200,000+ nerve endings on the soles of your feet. …

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