Tag Archives: Life

March, 2019

  • 6 March

    New Study Shows That the More You Hang Out With Your Mom, the Longer She’ll Live

    mom, mother, life, relationship, people

    Growing up is a natural part of our life and something that we have no control of. As we grow older, we are bombarded with more responsibilities. Once we start our own family, then that’s all we can ever think of. Of course our parents …

  • 6 March

    10 Bizarre Brain Disorders Often Mistaken For Psychiatric Conditions

    conditions, health, science, facts, life, people

    Imagine being able to feel what another person is feeling – their sorrow and their pain. Or be convinced that whatever negative change is happening with your friend’s life is actually yours. There are certain brain disorders that cause people to undergo such situations and …

  • 5 March

    10 Statistics That Sound Exaggerated but are 100% True

    people, science, facts, true, life, history

    We hear about statistics all our lives. Schools, politicians and even scientists use it to represent their findings. They are everywhere around us and in some cases, they can be wrong, since most of us take the information out of context. The tool is used …

  • 4 March

    12 Ingenious Japanese Inventions That Are Ready to Change Our Lives

    Japanese, culture, life, people, facts, travel, inventions

    The Japanese are known for their brilliant inventions and incorporating cutting-edge technology into their lives. Known as “The Land of the Rising Sun”, Japan is a place where technological development never sleeps. The Japanese are constantly developing new technologies that make their lives a bit …

  • 4 March

    10 Famous Foods Discovered by Mistake

    foods, mistake, life, people, history, science

    For most of us, coffee is the driving force of our everyday lives. It’s the only thing that helps us continue our daily routine until we are finally free of our responsibilities for the day. But, have you ever wondered where coffee originated from? In …

  • 3 March

    11 Viral Photos That Turned out to be Fakes

    images, people, photos, life, history, entertainment

    It’s easy to get something go viral these days. With programs like Photoshop, photos can be doctored easily. And people are generally known for lying, just to convey their message to the world, even if it means there’s no truth behind it. We have seen …

  • 3 March

    10 Most Heroic Airline Pilots who Accomplished Incredible Feats

    pilots, flying, aircraft, life, science, aviation

    Pilots have one of the toughest jobs in the world. They are given the duty of transporting people safely from one point to another. While the world of aviation is more than a century old, unexpected things can always happen. Pilots are trained to take …

  • 2 March

    11 Animals with Extraordinary Abilities

    abilities, animals, nature, life, facts, science

    When it comes to animals, their abilities can seem like something out of a comic book, but they’re totally real. For instance, dogs possess up to 300 million olfactory receptors in their noses, compared to about six million in ours. And hawks can see about …

  • 2 March

    10 People Who Got Lost in the Wild and Somehow Survived

    wild, wilderness, life, people, facts, survival

    Hiking is a famous sport that it is both beneficial for the body and the mind. Every year, millions around the world hike up the mountains to get in touch with nature and their inner self. At the same time, thousands get lost in the …

  • 1 March

    10 Beautiful And Bizarre Natural Wonders

    natural, earth, life, planet, science, facts

    Spanning across seven continents, our planet is teeming with natural occurrences and wonders. For decades, we have been observing but not knowing why and how such natural phenomenon’s take place. The oddities were observed not with just lakes, oceans and volcanoes, but also animals. Leaving …

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