Tag Archives: History

February, 2019

  • 26 February

    10 Amazing and Strange Backyard Discoveries

    backyard, treasures, life, people, stories, facts

    Of course all of us dream of living the big life. To achieve that dream, we work hard, try to make smart investments and some play the lottery, hoping that their life might change overnight. While some of us try and try and try, there …

  • 21 February

    10 Cool Facts About All Different Kinds of Topics

    cool facts, life, nature, amazing, animals, history

    Learning new things is always fun. You get to know about all kinds of strange and interesting things going on that we just don’t usually hear about. Of course, we can all agree that the world is a strange place and that things don’t often …

  • 12 February

    12 Intense Historical Photos That Bring the Past to Life

    historical, facts, life, past, stories

    Photographs can be crucial to historians who have the painful job of learning and understanding occurrences in the past. At the same time, they can be helpful to us since we are able to witness a moment from the past and learn a thing or …

  • 12 February

    10 Scientists Who Experimented on Themselves

    scientists, history, facts, life, people, science

    For centuries, curious men and women have subjected themselves to their own experiments, all in the name of science. When others failed to believe in them, these scientists decided to put their lives on the line and become guinea pigs, so that they could prove …

  • 10 February

    Spite Houses: 12 Obnoxious Houses that Were Built Just to Annoy the Neighbors

    spite, house, facts, history, people, weird

    Human emotion is a crazy thing, especially when it’s bottled up for a long time. In such cases, it can act as a driving factor that causes people to do irrational, silly and sometimes, spiteful things. Throughout history, we have seen people come up with innovative …

  • 9 February

    11 Striking Examples of How the World Has Changed in the Last 100 Years

    changed, history, weird, life, people, facts

    The world isn’t perfect, but it sure has changed and made many advances in various fields within the past 100 years. For instance, the life expectancy for a male born in 1915 was just 47, compared with 71 today. Gasoline was only sold in drug stores, and …

  • 6 February

    10 Futuristic Technologies From ‘Avatar’ That Exist in Real-Life

    Avatar, movie, facts, life, people, science, technology

    It’s hard to believe that the movie Avatar was released almost a decade ago. The fantasy/science fiction film stole our imagination and broke countless box office records in 2010. Science fiction movies can sometimes be unreliable guides when it comes to predicting future trends  but not …

  • 5 February

    10 Pictures of Famous First Times in History

    famous, history, facts, life, people, sicence

    Since the invention of the first camera, mankind has been able to document a lot of historic moments mankind has achieved on this planet. Some of the images are a gentle reminder of how far we have come since it was first discovered. Everything that …

  • 4 February

    10 Popular Things From the 80s and 90s That are Almost Extinct Today

    popular, history, life, facts, people, nostalgia

    Those born in the 80’s and 90’s have witnessed a lot of changes over the years. As we took a leap over from one generation to another, we had to leave so many precious things behind. Things which may not be known by some. The …

January, 2019

  • 29 January

    12 of the Most Captivating Photographs from History

    captivating, history, life, people, facts

    In 1911, American newspaper editor Arthur Brisbane coined the phrase, “a picture is worth a thousand words”. He was right, since pictures are capable of taking us back through time to relive a moment. Historical photos can especially be captivating since they tell stories about the historical …

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