Tag Archives: Food

March, 2019

  • 4 March

    10 Famous Foods Discovered by Mistake

    foods, mistake, life, people, history, science

    For most of us, coffee is the driving force of our everyday lives. It’s the only thing that helps us continue our daily routine until we are finally free of our responsibilities for the day. But, have you ever wondered where coffee originated from? In …

February, 2019

  • 28 February

    11 Exotic Fruits You’ve Probably Never Heard Of

    fruits, life, food, facts, nature, entertainment

    Of course everyone is familiar with apples, oranges and strawberries, but what about those ethnic fruits that are native to each country? The fruits that appear in this list are not going to be at your local grocery store. In fact, you may not even …

January, 2019

  • 19 January

    10 Disturbing Facts About Popular Snack Foods

    snack, food, life, people, facts

    Snack foods can be addictive. The salty, spicy, tangy or whatever flavors, are capable of making us crave for more. Snack foods, or most commonly known as junk foods, are consumed by 94% of Americans on a daily basis. The ease of availability and their …

  • 16 January

    11 Places Where You Can Eat for Free on Your Birthday

    birthday, freebie, food, facts, life

    Birthdays are awesome. It’s not just the cake, presents like Nashville gift baskets or our loved ones wishing us a happy birthday that makes the day amazing. Free food is also a reason to celebrate on your birthday. Luckily for us, there are a bunch …

December, 2018

  • 18 December

    10 Unexpected Things You Can Actually Eat

    unexpected, food, eat, edible, facts

    In case something unexpected happens, we need to be able to find enough food in order to live off the land. Today, most of us rely on fast-food, frozen meals and canned items. All of these foods come with an expiration date. So, what about …

  • 5 December

    10 Everyday Foods and Drinks With Surprising Medical Origins

    Kellogs, food, Coca Cola, medical, facts

    The foods we eat and see everyday at the grocery stores all have a history attached to them. Despite our best efforts to eat healthy and keep a close eye on the ingredients added to each item, there is a large chance that you may …

  • 3 December

    10 Facts About McDonald’s That Will Blow Your Mind

    McCafe, coffee, facts, people

    Since the first McDonald’s store opened on April 15, 1955, in San Bernardino, CA, the fast food restaurant has become one of the biggest chains in the world. It’s no surprise that such a large company with such a long history is popular worldwide. McDonald’s has been …

November, 2018

  • 26 November

    10 Weird Facts About Food You Probably Didn’t Know

    weird, food, facts, life

    Food! We all eat it, as it is essential for our survival. Every day, billions of people enjoy different types of foods around the globe. But, how much do we know about the food we eat? There’s a lot we don’t know about food but …

  • 16 November

    12 Photos That Show How Foods Are Grown In Real-Life

    cashews, food, nature, grown

    Since the inception of technology and the internet, our way of life has been changing rapidly. It’s the era of shopping through the internet and curbside pickups. Some of us rarely have time to even go to the grocery store anymore. But before all of …

  • 9 November

    10 Foods We Can No Longer Buy In The United States

    Kinder Egg, Casu Marzu, Food, foods, people

    Traveling is good for us. Not only is it healthy but it also helps us learn about other countries and see how different things are. Have you ever been to another country and found something that is not available in yours? Then wondered, why can’t …

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