Tag Archives: Fact

June, 2019

  • 3 June

    11 Little-Known Facts That Can Save Your Life One Day

    save your life, survival, facts, science, people

    Every life is precious and in this fast moving world, it is important to be aware of the rapid changes. Being aware of your surroundings and the ability to make quick decisions, increases the chances of your survival. Without the proper knowledge, there have been …

December, 2018

  • 15 December

    10 Crazy Things That Are Considered Normal in Other Countries

    customs, normal, life, facts

    Every country, and the people occupying it, has different laws, traditions, rituals and beliefs. For outsiders, it might appear a bit strange or even plain crazy. But hey, who are we to judge? We all have secrets that we safeguard because people may think that …

October, 2018

  • 31 October

    11 Strange and Intriguing Facts about Halloween

    Halloween, candy, life, people

    Halloween is a special tradition that dates back to the eighteenth century. Candies, costumes and parties: what’s not to like about Halloween? Whether it’s for a good scare or for the candy, almost all of us love the the supernatural celebration with a long history. Creepy …

  • 29 October

    Here’s What 9 School Lunches Look Like Around the World

    Food, countries, nutrition, life, entertainment

    Lunch is a time when kids get a chance to relieve some stress, refuel and interact with their friends. Each and every one of us has had a different experience with school and especially lunch times. While some choose to bring their own lunch from …

  • 29 October

    11 Rare Animals That Are at the Brink of Extinction

    Manis temminckii, animal, endangered, nature

    Humans are the most dangerous animals on the planet. Since our introduction to this world, we have depleted and destroyed many wondrous things. Each day, many animals who roamed the planet way before our existence are disappearing. Hunting, poaching, pollution, deforestation and habitat destruction are …

  • 25 October

    10 Everyday Activities That Have the Potential to Cause Serious Injuries

    avocado, studies, fact, facts, people, life, science, entertainment

    We do everything we can to stay fit and healthy but in this busy world, it’s hard to find time. Living a longer and healthier life is something we all want. For that, we keep our houses, pets and surroundings clean; in order to prevent …

  • 23 October

    15 Travelers Share The Most Terrifying Experiences They Had Abroad

    Aruba, travel, woman, alone, fact, experience, wanderlust, experiences

    Traveling has more than one benefit. It affects us both physically and psychologically. Studies show that when it comes to stress, traveling helps to reduce it. As a matter of fact, it also helps in lowering your chances of developing heart disease. Every time you travel, you …

  • 23 October

    10 Popular Websites That Are Blocked In Other Countries

    YouTube, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Snapchat, WhatsApp, social media, apps, life, people, country, websites

    Part of our morning routine includes checking our social media accounts. Whether it be Facebook, Twitter or Instagram, we have the habit of occasionally checking them to see what our friends and family members are up to. Some of us may also be checking on …

  • 22 October

    11 Scientific Discoveries That Are Sure to Change the World

    health, medical, science, fact, facts, life, people, scientists, researchers, doctors

    Science has always helped us improve the quality of life. With new discoveries everyday, we are overcoming obstacles that was previously thought to be impossible. Many talented men and women have dedicated their lives in the name of science and because of them, we are …

  • 15 October

    10 Fascinating Google Earth Discoveries Since Its Inception

    Google Earth, fact, facts, aerial view, photography, planet, technology, science

    Today, becoming an explorer is a simple task. With the help of a computer that has access to the internet, we can virtually travel around the world. Google Earth, a virtual globe, map and geographical information program, allows a user to virtually travel to any place in …

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