Tag Archives: Entertainment

March, 2019

  • 4 March

    10 Famous Foods Discovered by Mistake

    foods, mistake, life, people, history, science

    For most of us, coffee is the driving force of our everyday lives. It’s the only thing that helps us continue our daily routine until we are finally free of our responsibilities for the day. But, have you ever wondered where coffee originated from? In …

  • 3 March

    11 Viral Photos That Turned out to be Fakes

    images, people, photos, life, history, entertainment

    It’s easy to get something go viral these days. With programs like Photoshop, photos can be doctored easily. And people are generally known for lying, just to convey their message to the world, even if it means there’s no truth behind it. We have seen …

February, 2019

  • 28 February

    15 Before-and-After Photos of Famous Movies with and Without Special Effects

    special effects, Hollywood, movies, facts, animation

    Back in the day, filmmakers used oil paintings, miniature models and trick photography to achieve cinematic effects. Those days are long gone and today, visual effects play a major role in turning movies into magical masterpieces. Hollywood has mastered the art and application of computer-generated …

  • 24 February

    A Beautiful Italian Village Will Pay You $10,000 to Move There and Start a Family

    Italian, Italy, life, travel, people, family

    If you’ve been confused in deciding what to do with your life, then an Italian town might have the answer for you. Or, if you’ve ever dreamed of starting a family in a rural landscape, then this is also for you. The Italian town of …

  • 21 February

    10 Inspiring Acts of Generosity, Performed by Ordinary People

    change, generosity, life, people, facts, donation, charity

    Today, we don’t often hear about kindness from strangers. Most of us are so involved with our own lives that we sometimes miss the things that are happening around us. This is why it can lift our spirits and make us feel better when we …

  • 15 February

    10 Evolutionary Leftovers In the Human Body that No Longer Serve A Purpose

    evolution, body, health, science, humans, facts

    Since the first human being started roaming this planet, mankind has come a long way. We have achieved things beyond our ancestors’ imaginations and have made progress in the field of science and medicine. But along the way, some of the traits our ancestors had …

  • 11 February

    12 Rules That Rich People Follow to Save Money

    rules, facts, success, life, people

    Making healthy financial habits a part of your life is a big step towards success. To achieve our dreams, we need to make good choices with our earnings. While most of us save up to spend it on bills and survival, there are others who …

  • 9 February

    11 Striking Examples of How the World Has Changed in the Last 100 Years

    changed, history, weird, life, people, facts

    The world isn’t perfect, but it sure has changed and made many advances in various fields within the past 100 years. For instance, the life expectancy for a male born in 1915 was just 47, compared with 71 today. Gasoline was only sold in drug stores, and …

  • 8 February

    10 of the Most Expensive TV Shows Ever Made

    TV, shows, facts, people, entertainment

    We are in a golden era of television. With networks like DSTV and streaming services such as Netflix, HBO and Hulu, we are able to watch some of our favorite TV shows right from our homes. If you aren’t finding any good shows on TV, …

  • 7 February

    10 Most Dangerous Airport Runways For Those Who Dare

    airport, life, facts, travel, adventure

    Most airport runways are considered safe, depending on the physical and environmental factors. When approach and departure paths are close to densely populated areas, are high in altitude or are located in an area with unpredictable weather, they would be considered dangerous.While flying is the …

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