Tag Archives: Did you know

November, 2018

  • 19 November

    12 (More) Hidden Messages in Company Logos

    Goodwill, facts, logos, life, people

    Logos are an important asset in business. They are not just pictures of texts but rather are mascots of a business or company. There are millions of companies with their branded logos but only a handful of them remains in our memories. This is because …

August, 2018

  • 29 August

    How Tall People From Different Countries Are

    women, men, USA, US, United States, Britain, Europe, People, life, Inspired, fact, facts, tall, height, love

    Has the question “which nationalities are the tallest?” ever crossed your mind? Well, if not, then we are going to put that thought inside your head today. Thanks to the most comprehensive study on human height around the world that was published by the scientific …

  • 20 August

    10 Everyday Symbols You Didn’t Know The Meaning Of

    apple logo, male, female, symbols, fact, facts, instagram, life, companies

    Whether we are walking down the street or driving down the highway, there are hundreds upon hundreds of symbols and signs that advertise products. These catchy symbols and advertisements have a huge influence on us and alter our decisions on how we shop and what …

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