Tag Archives: countries

September, 2022

  • 25 September

    33 Rare Facts to Surprise Even the Most Knowledgeable Person

    rare, facts, universe, life, planet, water, insects, spiders, humans, relationship, travel, history

    1. It took 200,000 years for the human population to reach 1 billion. Then it only took 200 years for it to reach 7 billion. 2. Mental breaks (such as naps, meditation, and nature walks) increase productivity, replenish attention, solidify memories, and encourage creativity. 3. …

June, 2021

  • 15 June

    15 Mind-Blowing Facts You’ve Never Heard Before

    Saudi Arabia, camels, sand, Australia, import, export, countries, facts

    Every day, we come across so much information that makes us realize how little we truly know. Between animals, weather, different cultures, food, politics, and history, there is so much to learn.  If you are bored, or simply want to impress someone, use this list …

  • 9 June

    10 Dog Breeds That Are Not Allowed in Other Countries

    Breeds, dogs, life, animals, people, love, relationship

    It’s not unusual for countries to bring regulations as to what type of foods or breeds of animals are allowed. Many factors come to play in making these decisions and some of them being the wellbeing of the animal or the wellbeing of other existing …

January, 2020

  • 14 January

    10 Photos That Reveal What Your Dream Holiday Spots Really Look Like

    expectation, travel, spots, destinations, life

    Let’s face the cold, hard truth. Most of the time, the world is not as it’s presented to be. While the internet and advertisements portray idealistic pictures of tourists spots around the world, the reality is far from that. A little bit of photoshop here …

  • 8 January

    10 Facts About Finland, the Country With the Happiest Population in the World

    Finland, facts, county, life, people

    The United Nations released the World Happiness Report for 2019 and Finland ranked first, as the happiest country in the world. The ranking was based on six key variables that support well-being: income, freedom, trust, healthy life expectancy, social support and generosity. Apart from possessing …

February, 2019

  • 18 February

    10 of the Strongest Military Forces in the World

    USA, India, military, strength, facts, science, technology

    A country’s strength is often determined by its manpower and the ability to defend itself from rivals. Every nation has its special strength in their defense arsenal. Factors such as advanced technologies, training, power, number of allies, size of the army and budget allocated, geography, logistical capacity, …

December, 2018

  • 15 December

    10 Crazy Things That Are Considered Normal in Other Countries

    customs, normal, life, facts

    Every country, and the people occupying it, has different laws, traditions, rituals and beliefs. For outsiders, it might appear a bit strange or even plain crazy. But hey, who are we to judge? We all have secrets that we safeguard because people may think that …

August, 2018

  • 29 August

    How Tall People From Different Countries Are

    women, men, USA, US, United States, Britain, Europe, People, life, Inspired, fact, facts, tall, height, love

    Has the question “which nationalities are the tallest?” ever crossed your mind? Well, if not, then we are going to put that thought inside your head today. Thanks to the most comprehensive study on human height around the world that was published by the scientific …

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