Mind Blowing Facts

The 8 Signs You’re Mentally and Emotionally Exhausted

mentally and emotionally exhausted, signs, fact, facts, people, life, mind blowing facts

Although we might have a plan laid out, there are some things in life that are way beyond our control. It’s like a never-ending rollercoaster which can be frustrating and tiresome. Everything appears to be going the right way, and the next thing you know, we hit rock bottom. This affects us in more ways than we can imagine. Things that we considered insignificant are now haunting us, draining our mind and energy. We start finding ourselves snapping at the simplest of things to the ones we care the most, even if we don’t mean to. This is a result of mental and emotional exhaustion. How do we cope with it? We cope by identifying the signs and taking life one step at a time. Here, we are listing 8 warning signs that will help you decide if you need to stop, take a deep breath, rest, and recharge.

1. You often experience fatigue.

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Having fatigue and being tired are two completely different things. You can be tired from dealing with a toddler or from partying too much. This can be easily fixed by getting at least 8 hours of sleep every night for a few days and having a good mattress from somewhere like Leesa could help to promote sleep. Fatigue, however, cannot be reduced with the help of restorative sleep. Fatigue appears in the early stages of physical and emotional exhaustion and cannot be corrected with coffee or sleep.

It causes the sufferer to lack motivation from doing even the simplest of tasks and can be caused by a number of factors, including unhealthy lifestyle choices, workplace problems and stress.

2. A strong urge to cry for no reason.

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People who are mentally and emotionally exhausted have an increased sensitivity. Meaningless things can upset them, causing them to burst into tears. This can have a negative impact on the person’s health as well as their lifestyle. When emotionally drained, a person often has their ability to control emotions shaved down to nothing. They struggle with day-to-day activities because of stress and anxiety, putting them in a hypersensitive state.

What’s the solution to this problem? If you are someone who lives each day on the verge of tears, then you need to understand that your emotions have reached their peak. Remove yourself from situations that cause stress and try to regain control of your emotions.

3. You feel dizzy and nauseous.

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Dizziness and nausea are one of the physical symptoms of mental exhaustion. Physical symptoms such as chest pain, heart palpitations, shortness of breath, gastrointestinal pain, fainting, and/or headaches (all of which should be medically assessed) can also occur. Whenever a person experiences a mental breakdown, it also takes a toll on their physical well being. The person experiencing such symptoms should take matters into their own hands and prevent long lasting damage to their body. Take life slowly, relax and get your body back to the normal state. Remember that if you don’t help yourself, nobody will.

4. Lack of sleep.

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Feeling tired is a natural way of your body informing you that you need rest, however, those who are emotionally exhausted have a hard time falling asleep at night. As soon as they close their eyes, thoughts linger around their mind, keeping them awake all night. This is a sign that you need a break in your life, since the lack of sleep can make you feel worse and worse.

Because of the stress the person is going through, it’s hard for their body to rest, no matter how tired they are. What is the solution? Meditate and try to have positive thoughts before bed. Also try to follow a routine so you get at least 6-8 hours of sleep every night.

5. Anxiety attacks appear more often.

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Anxiety attacks are a result of over-exhaustion. If you find yourself more irritable and overwhelmed day and night, then you may be experiencing anxiety attacks. During the early stages, you may experience mild symptoms of tension, worry and edginess but as you move closer to burnout, the anxiety could interfere with your ability to work productively, as well as affect your personal life.

There’s no reason to be ashamed about having anxiety attacks. According to the Anxiety and Depression Association of America (ADAA), 40 million Americans over the age of 18 are affected by anxiety. What is the best way to deal with anxiety? Relax and do things you enjoy alone. This could help you calm down.

6. Uncontrollable anger.

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Anger is a corrosive emotion. It can ruin both your mental and physical health. During the first stages of emotional exhaustion, it exists within you as interpersonal tension and irritability. During the latter stages, it turns into unpredictable outbursts and explosive arguments. This can happen anywhere from your home to your work place. If you are someone who goes through this phase, remember to take a deep breath and relax. Letting your anger take control of you could have long lasting effects on both your health and your relationships.

7. Feeling hopeless.

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It’s not good for someone to reach this stage. If you are at this stage, the feeling of hopelessness can drain you and keep you in the state of depletion forever. Someone who feels hopeless can have a hard time finding their way back towards a normal life. The only way to fix it is with the help of others.

Someone who constantly feels hopeless may feel as if there’s no reason for them to try. This could also lead to forgetfulness, lack of concentration or a loss of focus; since they are working hard to just keep their body going. If you think that you are heading down towards that path, seek help immediately and take the necessary steps required to ease your stress. A healthy diet, proper sleep and exercise can also help combat this.

8. Detachment.

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Detachment is a state where someone is “comfortably numb”. This means that they have no feelings, neither good nor bad. At this stage, they lose any and all hope. If you know someone who suffers from emotional exhaustion, do not let them reach this stage. The affected person’s condition worsens as time goes by. They could become completely withdrawn from society and isolate themselves, pushing them further into depression.

If you are someone who suffers from mental or emotional exhaustion, take time to relax. When you are put in a situation that hurts you more than anyone can understand, take a step back and relax. Do not let something deplete your energy and life. Never regret to ask your friends and family members for help. You owe it to yourself and to your own well-being.

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