
10 Things That Used to be Trashy But is Now Considered Classy

lobster, food, classy, history, facts

Life is not the same as it was centuries ago. Today, we have smartphones, GPS guidance, satellite imagery and what not. We are living in the future and technology is developing day by day. Our ancestors did not have these luxuries but still managed to …

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10 Weird and Unusual Monuments From Around the World

monuments, sculptures, countries, life, people

Landmarks or monuments are considered the pride of a country or culture. They are not only part of history, but are also reminders of what our ancestors had to endure. Some of the most famous monuments include The Statue of Liberty, Great Wall of China …

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10 of the Most Inspirational Rags-To-Riches Stories Ever

Colonel Sanders, KFC, people, inspirational

For some, success is something they obtain at birth. Others have to work hard all their lives to make their dream a reality. “You need to spend money to make money”, is a phrase that is all too common for the wealthy. But, what about …

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11 Strange and Intriguing Facts about Halloween

Halloween, candy, life, people

Halloween is a special tradition that dates back to the eighteenth century. Candies, costumes and parties: what’s not to like about Halloween? Whether it’s for a good scare or for the candy, almost all of us love the the supernatural celebration with a long history. Creepy …

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10 Random Facts that can Save Your Life Someday

facts, life, people, nature, avalanche

The human body is an amazing piece of machinery. When we are put in a situation where our survival depends on the choices we make, our bodies can allow us to do things that we think are impossible. While some of us are equipped with …

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11 Rare Animals That Are at the Brink of Extinction

Manis temminckii, animal, endangered, nature

Humans are the most dangerous animals on the planet. Since our introduction to this world, we have depleted and destroyed many wondrous things. Each day, many animals who roamed the planet way before our existence are disappearing. Hunting, poaching, pollution, deforestation and habitat destruction are …

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15 Travelers Share The Most Terrifying Experiences They Had Abroad

Aruba, travel, woman, alone, fact, experience, wanderlust, experiences

Traveling has more than one benefit. It affects us both physically and psychologically. Studies show that when it comes to stress, traveling helps to reduce it. As a matter of fact, it also helps in lowering your chances of developing heart disease. Every time you travel, you …

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11 Scientific Discoveries That Are Sure to Change the World

health, medical, science, fact, facts, life, people, scientists, researchers, doctors

Science has always helped us improve the quality of life. With new discoveries everyday, we are overcoming obstacles that was previously thought to be impossible. Many talented men and women have dedicated their lives in the name of science and because of them, we are …

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10 Times Companies Passed On Incredible Opportunities

opportunities, people, life, fact, facts

Opportunities don’t just come knocking on the door. But if they do, we need to be bold enough to seize it. That one decision we make could change our lives forever and that’s exactly what happened to these people; yet not in a good way. …

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