
10 Disturbing Facts About Popular Snack Foods

snack, food, life, people, facts

Snack foods can be addictive. The salty, spicy, tangy or whatever flavors, are capable of making us crave for more. Snack foods, or most commonly known as junk foods, are consumed by 94% of Americans on a daily basis. The ease of availability and their …

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10 Unexpected Geographical Facts They Didn’t Teach Us in School

geographical, facts, life, people, Earth

Life really is bizarre. As we grow up, we come to realize how different the world is and how some things never make any sense. Maybe that’s why teachers tend to focus on topics which are fundamental and well-known facts. Beyond those boring basics, there’s …

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11 Places Where You Can Eat for Free on Your Birthday

birthday, freebie, food, facts, life

Birthdays are awesome. It’s not just the cake, presents like Nashville gift baskets or our loved ones wishing us a happy birthday that makes the day amazing. Free food is also a reason to celebrate on your birthday. Luckily for us, there are a bunch …

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10 Secrets Big Businesses Don’t Want You To Know

business, secrets, life, people, facts

The main goal of any business is to gain profit. It’s no secret. We all know it and as long as it favors both sides, we are okay with the way they conduct their business. However, there are a handful who take extra measures or …

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10 Surprising Facts about “PSY”, the K-Pop Star!

PSY, Park, music, video, facts

Since “Gangnam style” was released in 2012, people all over the world fell in love with the K-pop star who calls himself PSY. The song was in fact the 18th K-pop single by the South Korean musician, who gave K-pop music a massive rocket jump into …

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11 Everyday Things You Can Actually Get Paid to Do

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It’s not easy to find a job that not only pays you big bucks, but is also something you enjoy. Not all of us are lucky enough to be able to achieve that. However, there are many who actually manage to make a living with …

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A Woman Gave Birth to 69 Children and Her Story Stirs Up Heated Debate

woman, russia, facts, life, people, science

Raising one child is challenging enough, but what about 69 of them? Well, one woman from Shuya, Russia, is considered to be the most prolific mother, according to the Guinness Book of World Records. According to several sources, Valentina Vassilyeva is considered to hold the world record …

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10 Interesting Facts About Snow That Might Surprise You

snow, winter, season, facts, climate

Snow is a major part of Winter for many people around the world. Whether you hate driving when it snows or enjoy curling up by the fire, snow is part of mother nature and something we cannot control.  Some people spend thousands to travel around …

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