
10 Things That Used to be Trashy But is Now Considered Classy

lobster, food, classy, history, facts

Life is not the same as it was centuries ago. Today, we have smartphones, GPS guidance, satellite imagery and what not. We are living in the future and technology is developing day by day. Our ancestors did not have these luxuries but still managed to …

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10 Foods We Can No Longer Buy In The United States

Kinder Egg, Casu Marzu, Food, foods, people

Traveling is good for us. Not only is it healthy but it also helps us learn about other countries and see how different things are. Have you ever been to another country and found something that is not available in yours? Then wondered, why can’t …

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10 Weird and Unusual Monuments From Around the World

monuments, sculptures, countries, life, people

Landmarks or monuments are considered the pride of a country or culture. They are not only part of history, but are also reminders of what our ancestors had to endure. Some of the most famous monuments include The Statue of Liberty, Great Wall of China …

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11 Strange and Intriguing Facts about Halloween

Halloween, candy, life, people

Halloween is a special tradition that dates back to the eighteenth century. Candies, costumes and parties: what’s not to like about Halloween? Whether it’s for a good scare or for the candy, almost all of us love the the supernatural celebration with a long history. Creepy …

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10 Biggest Man-Made Disasters in the World

disaster, life, people, man made, history

For centuries, mankind has worked to advance the quality of life. Today, we have well built communities and developed countries because of these efforts. These accomplishments however, did not come easily. Some of these feats were accomplished with nature becoming the victim. Man considers himself as …

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10 Amazing Archaeological Findings That Were Purely Accidental

archaeology, fact, facts, life, history, scientists, excavation, insta,

For some, archaeology may sound extremely boring. Constant digging through sand and rocks to discover bits and pieces. But if you are someone like me, history is a thrilling subject. Archaeologists dedicate their lives to discover extraordinary things that give us an insight into how …

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10 of the Most Influential Photographs That Changed Our World

PHOTOGRAPHS, photo, images, history, life, NASA, moments, past, future, technology

Since the invention of the first camera, mankind has had the ability to record moments to last forever. These photographs are not just random images. They captured the world’s attention and changed history in ways we can still feel today. Millions of images are taken everyday …

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