
10 Crazy Scientific Theories People Used To Believe Were True

scientific, facts, life, people

The advances in science and technology did not come easily. Many brave men and women dedicated their lives to come up with theories as to why something works the way it does. Although technology was nowhere near as advanced as today, 100 years ago, many prolific …

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10 Everyday Foods and Drinks With Surprising Medical Origins

Kellogs, food, Coca Cola, medical, facts

The foods we eat and see everyday at the grocery stores all have a history attached to them. Despite our best efforts to eat healthy and keep a close eye on the ingredients added to each item, there is a large chance that you may …

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10 Unbelievable Real-Life Giants From History

giants, facts, history, people, life

For centuries, mankind has believed that once, giants roamed our planet. There are many stories about these amazing beings who had extraordinary strength and ability. Little did they know, giants exist among us and have existed since the inception of mankind. The only difference between …

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17 Weird Laws That Still Exist In The United States

laws, food, facts, life, people

Since the rise in internet usage, it’s not unusual for us to come across some story that is much more unusual than what we see and hear about everyday. It might be hard to believe those urban legends or rumors, but what happens when it’s …

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10 Bizarre Things Mailed Through the U.S. Postal System

mailed, USPS, facts, history

It’s always fun to get mail from an old friend or someone you weren’t expecting. Since the beginning of the U.S. Postal Service in 1775, millions, if not billions, of letters and packages have been delivered throughout the world. People utilized the postal service to …

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9 Interesting Historical Events That Are Lesser-Known

history, events, facts, life, people

Since mankind started roaming this planet, we have been making history. Although we learned some of them in school, not everything is taught. That does not mean that the events are any less interesting. Certain historical events that took place at the dawn of time …

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10 Facts About Coffee That Every Coffee Lover Should Know

coffee, beverage, facts, life, people

Coffee is enjoyed by millions worldwide. It is one of the most popular beverages in the world. Americans alone consume more than 400 million cups of coffee per day, making the United States the leading consumer of coffee in the world. It’s history dates back …

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10 Astounding Facts About the First Moon Landing

moon, Apollo 11, facts, science

On July 20, 1969, mankind made history when Neil Armstrong walked on the moon. The feat was a huge achievement and since then, only 11 others have had the honor to walk on the lunar surface. Interestingly, none of the 12 people who have had the …

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10 Ancient Inventions That Were Way Ahead of Their Time

ancient, facts, history, life, people

Our ancestors had no smartphones or GPS to guide them through their journeys. Without the help of modern contraptions, they still managed to get around and survive. While they were limited in many ways, there were many prolific men and women who thought outside of …

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10 Bizarre Fashion Trends That Are Better Left In The Past

fashion, trend, life, people, history

From torn up jeans to coloring your hair grey, our world is filled with weird fashion frenzy. People find certain fashions desirable because it represents who they are. It is a way for them to individually express themselves. No matter how much the industry has …

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