
10 Wondrous Plant Species That Have Real Superpowers

plant, species, nature, facts, life, science

Here is a chance to explore the unearthly super powers of some of the plant species in the plant kingdom. Some plants are capable of identifying who their family members are among individuals of the same species by exuding chemicals from their roots. They are …

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NASA’s Before-and-After Images Show How We’re Transforming the Planet

Aral sea, China, transforming, NASA, science, facts

Since our introduction to this planet, we have been replacing nature and other species to become dominant. At the same time, knowingly or unknowingly, we have been transforming this planet into something different. For centuries, we have been clearing forests, rivers and moving animal species …

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11 Animals with Extraordinary Abilities

abilities, animals, nature, life, facts, science

When it comes to animals, their abilities can seem like something out of a comic book, but they’re totally real. For instance, dogs possess up to 300 million olfactory receptors in their noses, compared to about six million in ours. And hawks can see about …

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10 Beautiful And Bizarre Natural Wonders

natural, earth, life, planet, science, facts

Spanning across seven continents, our planet is teeming with natural occurrences and wonders. For decades, we have been observing but not knowing why and how such natural phenomenon’s take place. The oddities were observed not with just lakes, oceans and volcanoes, but also animals. Leaving …

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11 Uplifting Facts to Brighten Up Your Day

uplifting, animals, facts, life, nature, science

Bad news spreads fast through the internet. The media tends to focus on negativity, since it attracts viewers and they can profit from it. With all the bad things that are happening around us, some of the best things on our planet go easily unnoticed. …

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Scientists Discover Sharks Living Inside An Active Underwater Volcano

volcano, sharks, science, facts, nature, animals

Our planet is a beautiful, yet mysterious place. With all the developments in science, we are only now beginning to discover and learn new things about our beautiful planet. When scientists sent a robotic camera to Kavachi, an active volcano off the coast of New Guinea, they …

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10 Evolutionary Leftovers In the Human Body that No Longer Serve A Purpose

evolution, body, health, science, humans, facts

Since the first human being started roaming this planet, mankind has come a long way. We have achieved things beyond our ancestors’ imaginations and have made progress in the field of science and medicine. But along the way, some of the traits our ancestors had …

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11 Mysterious Islands With Long Lost Secrets

Mauritius, life, islands, facts, science

Most of our planet’s islands are explored and inhabited. There, however, exists islands that are off the maps or were subjects of secret government experiments; that were later abandoned. For centuries, mankind has been exploring and finding surprising things about the very planet we call …

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