Tag Archives: Space

July, 2022

  • 11 July

    12 Facts You Always Believed That Actually Aren’t True

    believed, facts, science, travel, people, health, food, bacteria,

    Many of the assumptions you make about life, and everything included in it, are based on tall tales and hearsay. As time goes on, myths and tales become reality for some and they basically believe it to be true; even though it’s scientifically disproven. Today, …

  • 1 July

    25 Facts You Didn’t Know You Needed To Hear

    needed, facts, people, entertainment, animals, space, facts

    1. Because wasabi is so difficult to grow, many restaurants outside of Japan serve a mixture of horseradish, mustard, and food coloring to imitate it. 2. Due to the electrons of your atoms repelling the electrons of other atoms, you never actually touch anything. If …

June, 2022

  • 29 June

    25 More Amazing Facts to Blow Your Mind!

    1. According to Motherly, millennial fathers are spending three times as much time with their children as men did two generations ago. In 1982, 43% of fathers admitted that they had never changed a diaper. Today, that number is down to only about 3%. 2. …

  • 28 June

    10 Unbelievable Facts Guaranteed to Make Your Day

    unbelievable facts, life, people, space, water, NASA, science,

    Humans have always been intrigued by the universe and everything within it. Every day, thousands of people dedicate their lives to study the universe, as well as our planet. Such people have an open mind and feel as if everything is new and exciting. And …

December, 2021

  • 15 December

    12 Crazy Facts About Earth You Never Learned in School

    learned, facts, science, people, space, Kepler-422 b, Earth, universe

    Our planet Earth is estimated to be 4.543 billion years old while the modern form of humans evolved about 200,000 years ago. Civilization as we know it is only about 6,000 years old, and industrialization started in the earnest only in the 1800’s. Even though …

July, 2020

  • 30 July

    Are we alone? If Not, Then Why Haven’t We Found Them Yet?

    alone, facts, science, life, space, universe

    Are we alone? This question has bothered humans for centuries and is as old as mankind itself. We have spent countless amounts of time and resources, gazing into the sky, and wondering if there are others out there like us. For every grain of sand …

April, 2020

March, 2020

  • 10 March

    Why do Clouds Float And Not Fall to Earth Due to Gravity?

    clouds, life, Earth, science, people

    Why do clouds float? Has that question ever crossed your mind? You go for a walk and you see those big, fluffy clouds hovering right above your head. Even though the average cumulus cloud weighs 1.1 million pounds, they are capable of defying the laws …

February, 2020

January, 2020

  • 23 January

    10 Completely Fascinating Facts That Will Give You Something To Ponder

    ponder, facts, Earth, science, life, people, entertainment

    The world is such an interesting place, filled with weird and interesting facts that you might have never realized were true. Everywhere we go, we find something different, unique and interesting, that we have never heard before. While some are easily understandable, there are others …

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