Tag Archives: Life

August, 2018

  • 31 August

    7 Things Flight Attendants Notice About You When You Board a Plane

    flight attendant, flying, plane, airplane, fact, facts, mind blowing facts,

    Flight attendants might look happy and calm but don’t be fooled by their friendliness. They are not only trained to provide good customer service but also to keep a close eye out for any threats. From the moment you board a plane, you are under …

  • 30 August

    Are You A Nice Person? 6 Everyday Problems Nice People Experience

    woman, happiness, happy, life, people, nice, inspiration, psychology

    We cross paths with different types of people every day. Whether it be workmates, family or friends, everyone has their own unique personality. While some might be kind to you, others might be sticking around for their own advantage. Nevertheless, nice people always put a …

  • 29 August

    How Tall People From Different Countries Are

    women, men, USA, US, United States, Britain, Europe, People, life, Inspired, fact, facts, tall, height, love

    Has the question “which nationalities are the tallest?” ever crossed your mind? Well, if not, then we are going to put that thought inside your head today. Thanks to the most comprehensive study on human height around the world that was published by the scientific …

  • 27 August

    8 Psychological Phrases to Know If You’re Dating a Narcissist

    narcissist, narcissists, fact, facts, life, people, inspired

    According to the Mayo Clinic research group, a narcissistic personality disorder is a mental disorder. Sufferers of this disorder will have an inflated sense of their own importance and a deep need for admiration. They believe that they are superior to others but behind that mask …

  • 26 August

    9 Reasons Why Aunts and Uncles Play A Unique Role In Every Child’s Life

    aunt, aunts, uncle, life, family, relationship, fact, facts

    Although they rarely get the credit they deserve, aunts and uncles play a major role in a child’s life. In this busy and fast life we live, bringing up a child is not easy. There’s never such a thing as too much love to give …

  • 24 August

    12 Before-And-After Photos of Famous Cities Showing How Much They’ve Changed

    Cities, fact, facts, inspiration, travel, wander, life, people, country, countries

    The world is advancing at a rapid pace. What was once considered modern is outdated within a few years. As we grow older, our surroundings change but we rarely notice the changes happening within. When we compare images of cities from today and years before, …

  • 24 August

    How People with Poor Eyesight See the World Without Their Glasses, as Demonstrated by Oil Paintings

    Philip Barlow, fact, facts, inspiring, inspiration, life, painting, art, artist, oil painting, glasses, depiction

    Have you ever made fun of someone because they had contact lens or glasses? A few of us surely have at least joked about how nerdy someone looks with glasses. Well, as nerdy as it might look, it is something substantial in their lives. If …

  • 21 August

    10 Amazing Archaeological Findings That Were Purely Accidental

    archaeology, fact, facts, life, history, scientists, excavation, insta,

    For some, archaeology may sound extremely boring. Constant digging through sand and rocks to discover bits and pieces. But if you are someone like me, history is a thrilling subject. Archaeologists dedicate their lives to discover extraordinary things that give us an insight into how …

  • 19 August

    8 Things That Happen to Your Body When You Stop Drinking Diet Soda

    woman, diet, fat, weight loss, fact, facts, soda, life, insta, facebook

    Most of us have the habit of drinking soda with breakfast, lunch or dinner. Some of us prefer diet soda, since manufacturers have a way of convincing us that it’s much healthier than regular soda. Diet sodas may be calorie-free but a new report suggests …

  • 18 August

    5 Ways to Make Your Brain Stop Worrying

    brain, fact, facts, psychology, inspirational, life, people, facebook

    Money, work, relationships, health, pretty much everything causes us to worry more than we need to. It’s not our fault. Our brains are wired to worry all the time. Whenever we are anticipating something, our hearts start thumping louder and butterflies start flying in our …

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