10 True Stories of Exes That Will Make Yours Sound Sane

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Relationships can be complex, and when we think we know everything about our desired partner, they can end up surprising us. Of course, we have all had our fair share of crazy ex stories; who took things to a whole new level. While most of us would rather go our own separate ways when things turn sour, there are a few who simply cannot fathom the thought of splitting up. For reasons unknown, these people did not take their partner breaking up with them in a good way. Instead of moving on with their lives, these 10 people decided to disrupt their exes lives, to make them as miserable as possible. Here, we are listing some stories that prove how crazy love can make some people.

1. A Dutch woman called her ex-boyfriend 65,000 times in a period of one year.

exes, woman, facts, life, people, relationships
Image: Tamara Bellis

It’s not unusual for people to try to get back together with their ex after a painful breakup. Healing takes time and sometimes, it’s best to take it slow and help each other discover that it is possible to live without one another. But, what happens when the person in question is someone who will not leave you alone and continuously tries to contact you? That’s what happened in 2011, when a 42-year-old woman kept calling, texting and sending e-mails to a 62-year-old man.

The man had apparently broken up with her after the two dated for a short period of time. However, she became obsessed with him and wanted to get back together “after their apparent breakup”. In an effort to re-establish their relationship, the woman called him an average of 178 times a day for 12 months straight. Assuming that she sleeps for 8 hours every night, that’s two calls every 10 minutes. A year later, the man reported the incident to police, who arrested her and charged her with stalking.

She was later released on the condition that she would not try to establish any further contact. However, the temptation was too strong for the woman, who called him as soon as she bailed out. She was once again arrested and held until judges could decided what to do with her. (source)

2. After a bitter breakup, David Simmons from Murfreesboro, Tennessee, sent intimate photos of his ex-girlfriend as Christmas cards to her relatives.

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Image: Annie Spratt

Sending warm wishes to your friends and family members is a tradition most follow every year. One man however, decided to use it to take revenge on his ex. In October of 2009, 57-year-old David Simmons had just gone through a breakup. His girlfriend of many years decided to end their relationship abruptly, leaving Simmons spiraling down a dark path. Since the incident took place close to Christmas, Simmons decided to take his antics to a whole new level by printing some of the intimate photos he had taken of his then ex-girlfriend.

Simmons then got creative and printed them as Christmas cards, labeled them and sent them to his ex-girlfriend’s family members. After a few of them received the card and opened it for a surprise, the police were involved, who intercepted the remaining cards before they reached their destinations. When questioned, Simmons claimed he knew nothing of the cards since he had received one as well. However, authorities were able to trace the whole ordeal back to Simmons and charged him with unlawful photography and impersonation. He pleaded guilty but was given a suspended sentence of two years probation. (source)

3. In 2011, 49-year-old Toni Jo Silvey stalked her ex-boyfriend in extreme ways for four months. She also called him 1,001 times, egged his house and rammed his car and garage door using her truck, during the time period.

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Image: Pixabay

In 2009, Silvey, a dog walker, was in a relationship with a 62-year-old man. He however, found her to be a bit too much and decided to end their relationship. Silvey was not happy about the decision but kept quiet for two long years. In 2011, however, she started calling him, 1,001 times to be exact, and bombarded him with messages. When the man did not respond to her, she drove up to his house, broke the windows, slashed his tires, egged his house and used her truck to cause damage to his car and garage door.

Silvey continued to stalk the man for a period of four months before he got the authorities involved. To make things easier for authorities, Silvey had made several social media posts about what she was doing, including pictures of the damages she had caused. She was however, only given a warning and told to stay away from the man, a request she did not take lightly. Hours after the police had warned her, Silvey returned to his house with more eggs and was arrested. In 2013, her case went to trial and the jury was unable to come to an agreement; which led to her case being dismissed. (source)

4. Erica Capps, a Florida native, used a GPS tracking device to track her ex-boyfriend’s every move. The man became suspicious when Capps started showing up at places he would visit; especially when it was with a female friend.

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Image: YouTube

Jealousy can cause people to do some pretty interesting things that they would later regret. A Florida woman’s jealousy did just that after her boyfriend broke up with her. The pair have an 18-month-old baby girl together and had been involved in a custody battle. However, things started to become suspicious when the man began getting screenshots of his location from his ex and questions such as what he was doing there. The ordeal continued for a few months until 2017, when Capps started showing up at places where the man would be visiting.

One time, the man was visiting a female friend when Capps drove up to the house and texted him to come out. When the man came out, Capps started an argument about his visit. When the man noticed that Capps was everywhere he was going, he started to become suspicious and decided to search his car, only to discover that it was bugged. A small GPS tracker was discovered underneath the car, which was handed over to authorities. The police were able to track its owner as Erica Capps and arrested her for stalking. Capps was released from jail on bail under the condition that she would have no contact with her ex, but later claimed that she placed the tracker because she feared for her daughter’s safety. (source)

5. A hardworking man was accepted to his dream school, however, his girlfriend, who was jealous of her partner succeeding in life, deleted his acceptance email and faked a rejection letter.

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Image: Kaitlyn Baker

Eric Abramovitz is a hardworking man who dreamed of being accepted to the Colburn Conservatory of Music in Los Angeles. The college sophomore, who was studying music at McGill University at the time, had spent years practicing late nights to audition in front of one of the best clarinet instructors in the world, Yehuda Gilad. Gilad accepts only two new students each year at Colburn, and Abramovitz believed that he performed well. His instincts were right and Gilad had chosen him as one of the students.

When the university e-mailed Abramovitz in 2014 to congratulate him on his achievement – a full scholarship that paid for his tuition, room and board, which was worth about $50,000 a year, his jealous girlfriend Jennifer Lee was the first one to read it. Knowing that Abramovitz would succeed in life, Lee responded to the email that he would not accept the scholarship because he planned to “be elsewhere”; then deleted the e-mail. She then created a fake e-mail and tried to convince Abramovitz that he was accepted to another university that he did not wish to go. Abramovitz was crushed by this news. A few months later, the two broke up for unrelated reasons.

Fast forward to 2016, when Abramovitz auditioned for a graduate program at USC, Gilad happens to teach there. An upset Gilad asked Abramovitz why he was there since he declined the previous offer. Abramovitz was confused by the question and the two talked for a bit before he understood that something wasn’t right. After Abramovitz went through his email, he noticed that the e-mail describing his rejection was named after his ex-girlfriend. His friends became involved in the case and suggested that she might have played a role. Abramovitz used some of the known passwords she would use and was able to login to the e-mail ID and discover that his then girlfriend was the one behind his rejection letter. An upset Abramovitz took the case to court, who found Lee to be guilty and forced her to pay $265,000 in damages for ruining his career. (source)

6. Dominique Fisher met Wayne Robinson in 2008, while on a trip to England. The two decided to spend a week together and when Robinson was sleeping, Dominique decided to create intricate designs of her name on his arm.

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Image: Toa Heftiba

While exactly not a couple, Dominique Fisher, 22, met Wayne Robinson, 24, while visiting Blackburn, England. After finding some form of chemistry with each other, the two decided to spend some time together until the weekend was over. Although most people would give advise as to not wander around with strangers, Dominique had no worries, since it was Robinson who should have been worried. On the final day of their relationship, Robinson woke up to find a tattoo engraved on his arm that read “Dominique”.

Dominique was no tattoo artist and in fact, she used kitchen utensils to achieve her artistry. Robinson jolted up from his bed and made a run for it to the nearest police station. After reporting the incident, Dominique was arrested for her actions. The jury had no issues finding Dominique guilty but her lawyer was cunning enough to eliminate any jail time for her. She only received two years of community service. (source)

7. Jacqueline Ades, an Arizona native, sent more than 159,000 text messages to a man who she went on just one date with.

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Image: Luke Porter

Jacqueline Ades went on a date with a man who felt that they had no chemistry with each other and ended their relationship before it even began. Jacqueline however, wasn’t happy with it. She started going to his house and threatening him. In 2017, when Jacqueline wouldn’t leave the property, the man called police, who escorted her away. That caused Jacqueline to become extremely upset and retaliated by sending an array of text messages, 159,000 text messages to be exact. The messages were not friendly either but the ordeal continued for 10 long months.

In April 2018, she was again arrested for breaking into the man’s home while he was out of town. Authorities who arrested her noted that Jacqueline was showing signs of mental illness. She is now being held in the Maricopa County jail without bond and is being charged with stalking and trespassing; to which she pleaded not guilty. (source)

8. Shawn Kelly Thomason, a Michigan native, installed two GPS trackers on his ex-girlfriend’s car, which he then used to follow her.

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Image: Christian Erfurt

Shawn Kelly Thomason of Hazel Park, Michigan was upset with the fact that his girlfriend had ended their relationship. Instead of letting her move on and do the same with his life, Shawn decided to follow her around. In order to help him know what she was doing at all times, Shawn installed two GPS trackers underneath the unsuspecting woman’s car. In 2018, the woman drove to Mankato, Minnesota and to her surprise, Shawn was right behind her. When she parked at her parents house, Shawn blocked her from leaving and knocked on the window, asking to talk. The woman informed him that she was calling 911, to which Shawn responded by fleeing the scene.

A concerned officer took a look at the woman’s car and discovered two GPS trackers hidden underneath. After verifying that the trackers belong to Shawn, he was arrested and charged with felonies. (source)

9. In 2011, Dana Thornton created an online profile using her former boyfriends credentials, in hopes to get even for leaving her.

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Image: Sara

When her former boyfriend, a Parsippany police detective, ended his relationship with Dana, she did not take it lightly. Dana went on to create a social media profile using his credentials, posting pictures of him and updating status that included disparaging remarks about his lifestyle choices and career. Mr. Lasalandra however, became aware of the account and complained to officers that he was being impersonated online. An investigation revealed the IP address accessing the account to be from Dana’s house.

While authorities charged her with identity theft, her lawyer argued to have the charges dropped. A judge however, ruled that what she did was in fact wrong but did not give her any jail time. Instead, she was required to meet with a probation officer regularly, successfully complete 50 hours of community service, and submit to a psychological evaluation. (source)

10. Denise Rossi won $1.3 million in the California Lottery and divorced her husband so that she would not have to share it with him.

lottery, winner, facts, life, people, exes
Image: Pexels

On December 28, 1996, Denise Rossi won $1.3 million in the California Lottery. Her husband of 25 years was not aware of the winnings and Denise decided to end their marriage so she could keep the winnings for herself. Her plan worked out since Denise managed to change the address of her checks being mailed to her mother’s house. However, more than two years after the divorce, a misdirected piece of mail landed in Thomas Rossi’s mailbox. The mail was a solicitation letter from the company that was paying her in lump sum. It read, we have “helped hundreds of lottery winners like you around the country receive a lump sum payment for the present value of their future annual lottery payments”.

Thomas Rossi was surprised to see the letter and started doing some research when he found out that his ex-wife was a lottery winner. A few days after receiving the mail, Thomas Rossi obtained a court injunction that halted the 20 annual installments of $66,800 to Denise. Through his lawyer, Thomas found out that under California’s community property laws, he would have legally received half of the winnings. However, Denise hid her winnings during the divorce and later claimed in court that it was a gift from a friend. The judge did not buy it and gave it all to him. (source)

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